Live Well * Laugh Often * Love Much

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Miss Me in Crazy Town?

I have missed blogging. Kids grow up so fast, and this allows me to capture some of the moments in their growth and development and share it with family ans friends. I wish i could say I will be back at it on a regular basis but I can't make such a promise. Ah don't fret.  You have me here and now.

When we last left our heroes, they were trying to explain Kell Antibodies.  It's all a mute point, or is it moot? Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore.  After 2 months of testing, 5 trips to Vancouver, and a whole lot of stress, it turns out baby was negative for the antigen.  Pregnancy back to normal.

Until I started to get bigger, and bigger, and bigger.  At 30 weeks, I was measuring full term.    
Obstetrician: it looks like it will be a big baby so we might have to induce.  More testing.  Another Problem.  What do you mean another problem?
I am not going to get into details, but the basic story is that I had extra amniotic fluid, which put strain on my uterus.  

December 7th, 2011 @ 9:00 am
Obstetrician: You have extra amniotic fluid, so we will monitor it.  We might have to induce.  I am pretty sure that baby will be born by the end of the year, but I am not going to guarantee it.  Lets make an appointment for a week from now.  Little did he know...

3:30 pm
The first contractions hit.  I assumed they were more Braxton Hicks so I didn't say anything.

5:00 pm
Me: Hey hun, do you have a timer on your phone?
Mike: Yes, why?
Me: You need to start timing contractions.
Mike: ... (silence)
Me: Oh, and we should thinking about packing the hospital bag tonight.

5:30 pm
I called to hospital to find out how far the contractions had to be apart before they wanted me in the hospital.  The nurse told be that since I was considered preterm, that I should "not hurry but get in as soon as possible."

7:30 pm
We finally make it to the hospital.  I was told to hold off going into labour for about 4 hours, as if I have control of it.

December 8th, 2011 @ 1:00 am
Doctor broke my water, and Kayla was born.

Our baby girl Kayla came 4 weeks early at 7 lbs.  Delivery went well, easier than the first, but she was unresponsive to stimuli.  I got to hold her for 2 minutes before she was whisked away to the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit).  And that is where our adventure with Kayla started.

(1 month old)

I am going to end here.  The story continues because, as you know, a mothers adventure never actually ends.

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