Live Well * Laugh Often * Love Much

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Finding a New Balance

Let me preface this post by saying it is currently after 11:00 pm, and my mind is a whirling dervish.  I apologize in advance for the verbal jumble about to ensue.

Before Kiera, when I thought about having children, I thought I had a clear idea of how it would go.  Little did I know that there are so much to teach, that it is not possible to have all the answers in the beginning.  It really is about making it up as you go along.

Thinking about what I want Kiera to learn has made me think about my life and the role model I will be to her.  It has made me change my priorities, and made me realize that there are things I want to improve.

Life Balance - isn't that the ultimate goal.  How does one find the perfect balance between work, home, partner, children, family and friends, and myself?  I am not sure that it is attainable.  I  do know that I generally put myself last.  Actually, to be honest, the house comes last, but that's a whole other topic.

Although I do not want Kiera to be selfish, I do want her to know that it is alright to take care of herself.  By taking care of herself, she will be better equipped to take care of others.  To teach her, I need to work on finding balance in my life.  It may never be perfect, but by making the effort, I showing her I value myself.

So how do I find balance?  Any suggestions?


  1. Life is always a balancing act Gina....although let me tell you that sometimes life with a baby/toddler you just have to let some little things go...its amazing what goes through their little minds at WHY does Nicholas just HAVE to take the pancake flipper to the car and its just the end of the world if he can't...or WHY does he have to always take my spoon when he has one exactly the same and freaks out if we don't switch....keep on with your goals and cherish this time away from work as it will be gone in a flash and...don't sweat the small stuff! ;)


  2. Why do kids do the things they do? I am loving the time I have with her right now. I can't believe it will be over soon.
