Live Well * Laugh Often * Love Much

Monday, March 15, 2010

What ever you do, don't sleep!!

Why do Children hate sleep?

After being sent to bed at the designated bed time predetermined by my parents (how did they decide on the time anyway), I would sneak to the top of the stairs where I could stack out the living room below to see what parents did when children were in bed. I would listen and watch, so afraid I was going to miss something important.

If I stayed really, really quiet, my parents wouldn't notice me, and I could stay up as long as I wanted. Of course, my parents always knew I was there, but generally would leave me there as long as I didn't disturb them.

Oh the things I would witness.

When it got late, they would "suddenly" notice me, and send me to bed. By that time, I would happily go thinking I had pulled the wool over my parent’s eyes. I was so proud of myself. I hadn't learnt anything except that my parents were boring, but I'd be out there the next night.

Because that is the night that something exciting will happen.

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