Live Well * Laugh Often * Love Much

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Melotov Cocktail

My sis played her inaugural roller derby bout a few nights ago.  We dressed up, got the noise makers and made signs to cheer her on.


What is it about Roller Derby that attracts the fans?  I might be the hot pants and fish nets, but the crowd was mostly women.  

Is it the hip checks and shoulder checks that send the other girls flying? Or maybe its the spills that thrill?  What other sport allows women to take out frustrations in such a way?

According to Melotov, it is because it is the only sport where you can check a girl into the stands, and have her come back to you and say "Good Hit!"  Those ladies have a great camaraderie both with each other, and with the teams they are playing against.

No matter what it is, I would love to be in on it.  One day, I may be lacing up a pair of skates myself.

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