Live Well * Laugh Often * Love Much

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Truth Things New Mom's should know

12 things I wish I had known as a new momBabyCenter Blog |

I read this article and thought "Exactly."  Of course, as a first time mom, I doubt I would have listened.

I have definitely noticed a change in attitude and priorities, and time in raising Kayla compared to Kiera.

If the soother falls in the floor...
Kiera - taken away, spare one pulled out of the purse, dropped one washed then boiled for 10 minutes
Kayla - pick it up, inspect it for hairs, wipe it off, put it back in her mouth

Feeding solid foods...
Kiera - cereal for first 2 weeks, then vegetables for 1 month waiting a 4 days between introducing new flavours in case of allergies
Kayla - cereal for 2 or 3 days, mixed vegetables right away, wait a day or 2 between introducing new flavours

Kiera - 4 months

Kiera - monthly growth photo's taken with her giraffe and shared on facebook
Kayla - random photo's taken with cell phone and posted on facebook (no monthly schedule)

Kiera - age appropriate toys and nothing else
Kayla - anything that she cannot choke on or otherwise hurt herself with or that she can damage (we let her play with the DVD remote)

Kayla - 4 months

Kiera - temperature taken at the slightest sign on anything
Kayla - temperature not taken at all, she is always happy

In the end, I think both of the girls will out to be happy, well adjusted adults.
I hope...

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