To the Rescue...
One quiet afternoon, Kayla was down for her nap, and Kiera was playing in her room. When suddenly, the air was pierced by a blood curdling scream. Kayla woke up and realized she was in her crib. Oh the horror she felt when she saw those bars.
Superhero incognito
Instantly, or as instantly as a 3 year old moves, Kiera was on her feet and out her door. She ran to the hallway to find out what the commotion was about. She stood at the edge of the kitchen and exclaimed
"Kiera to the rescue Kayla!" She waited until her side kick, Mommy, opened the door to the nursery, then she launched herself down the hallway and in to the nursery.
"It's ok Kayla."
"She's so cute mommy."
So are you Super Kiera.
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