Live Well * Laugh Often * Love Much

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Shower

With Earth Hour less than a week away, I have been focussing on what we can do to reduce our impact on the plant.  One suggestion is to reduce the length of time you spend in the shower.  I thought - I can do that.

Don't get me wrong, I like to be as clean as the next person but really, I have things to do and people to see.  As I stood in my shower thinking about this, I realized that it was quiet enough for me to think.  I have this time all to myself.

In my ideal world, everyone understood mommy time meant "don't distrub, no matter what I am doing." 
Then I had a child, and my new realistic ideal world meant "don't disturb if the bathroom door is closed."
I am now reduced to "I pretend I can't hear you with the water running in the shower so there is no point trying to talk to me."

Baby girl is only 8 months old.  It's only going to get worse.  I am happy to say that hubby is smart enough not to come into the shower to tell me that baby girl has been crying for 5 minutes, she must be hungry, so I better stop what I am doing and feed her right now (this actually happened to a friend of mine).

This is my sanctuary.  I can't reduce my shower time. 

Sorry Planet.


  1. Love it is all I can say...Yes the bathroom whether it be shower or generally sanitation drop off it is precious time!!! Iam glad that some kind of understand this concept in your home...As you have heard the horror stories nothing worse than shampoo in the hair and soap all over the body only to have some moron pick a locked door to tell you wipe off the boob and give it to baby...GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRR

  2. It's what keeps Mike alive. :)

  3. As a single parent, and child gets a little older and more mobile, shower time can only be done during nap time, and potty time is done very quickly. Can't trust what's going on out there when they are alone!

  4. Very true. If I'm alone, baby girl goes into her highchair or crib while I am in the ladies room, and I shower during nap time or after she goes down for the night. It's all about And if I stick for a couple of days, only her and Mike suffer. :)
